Этот голос действует на меня завораживающе, как дудочка на змею =) Ну и, конечно, женщина - прекрасна, а танцующая фламенко, - так вдвойне =)
Iron and Wine - Boy With A CoinМануал. Мальчик превосходно объясняет, что там за ахинея в гитарном проигрышеСтихиBoy with a coin he found in the weeds
with bullets and pages of trade magazines
close to a car THAT flipped on the turn
when God left the ground to circle the world
Hey--- Oh----
Girl with a bird she found in the snow
that flew up her gown, and that's how she knows
that God made her eyes for crying at birth
then left the ground to circle the earth
Hey--- Oh----
Boy with a coin he crammed in his jeans
then making a wish, and tossed in the sea
then walked to a town that all of us burned
when God left the ground to circle the world
Hey--- Oh----
Hey--- Oh----
"...Свет души моей
Приведет домой
Все, что нужно мне, - для тебя быть гаванью"Давненко уже не появлялось жилания переводить стихи, и вот поди ж ты =)
Vienna Teng - HarborСтихиWe're here where the daylight begins
The fog on the streetlight slowly thins
Water on water's the way
The safety of shoreline fading away
Sail your sea
Meet your storm
All I want is to be your harbor
The light in me
Will guide you home
All I want is to be your harbor
Fear is the brightest of signs
The shape of the boundary you leave behind
So sing all your questions to sleep
The answers are out there in the drowning deep
Sail your sea
Meet your storm
All I want is to be your harbor
The light in me
Will guide you home
All I want is to be your harbor
You've got a journey to make
There's your horizon to chase
So go far beyond where we stand
No matter the distance
I'm holding your hand
Sail your sea
Meet your storm
All I want is to be your harbor
The light in me
Will guide you home
All I want is to be your harbor
Sail your sea
Meet your storm
All I want is to be your harbor
The light in me
Will guide you home
All I want is to be your harbor