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"Redemption" by Gackt"Redemption" by Gackt
Lyrics (translation)
As your silhouette silently returns to the sky
I kept watching, until my tears dry up
what else can I do besides avenge you?
I made a vow, upon my inerasable scars,
to never forget this overflowing sorrow
With a flutter of my broken wings, I shall try to erase everything
Someday we'll meet our demise. but until the final bell stops ringing
you told me
live as if you were to die tomorrow
feel as if you were to be reborn now
face as if you were to live forever
I traced my bloody tears with a quivering finger,
I had nothing to lose, nothing truth
Our fleeting memories are falling into darkness
Your final smile appeared, then vanished,
leaving only warmth behind
Now, if only your kind words were enough to heal me
I'd devote my entire body to this never-ending battle
Since one day everyone will return to the sky,
there need not be any words of farewell
make it up
With a flutter of my broken wings, I shall try to erase everything
Someday we'll meet our demise. but until the final bell stops ringing
Now, if only your kind words were enough to heal me
I'd devote my entire body to this never-ending battle